That love

By 9:52 PM


I take pride on being a strong-iyakin-independent girl but I'm tired. After years of holding on to that, I want to be able to rest comfortably without worrying about who's gonna take care of me. I hope this is not too much to ask but I sincerely, humbly ask for a partner to who I could be myself without the fear of being judged and being abandoned. I want to wake up each day looking forward to learnings and growth with the one and only. 
I took my time to heal. I didn't use anyone to heal and put my broken pieces together. It was not a walk in the park but with all my might, I made it through the tunnel. Wohoo! I'll be forever proud of that.
I want to give love another shot and this time, I promise I'd do better. I know I won't still be perfect but I believe that I have learned my lesson and I'd still be willing to work on myself to be able to give the right love that he deserves.
I know this might be shallow or selfish but I wanna be spoiled and pampered without me asking. 
I have long list of what I want but I wanna spend my days loving and being loved in return.

Asan ka na? I hope you are praying for me too. Insha Allah we cross paths before the year ends. Haha May we have that love that's pure, genuine, calm and happy. I have so many chikaaas in mind and I couldn't wait to tell you. 
My love, I have been waiting for you for years. I'll make it right this time. I promise. I can't wait to say I'm home to my pahinga. <3 

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