There are a lot of thoughts going inside. I have been praying fervently for the past months and I owe my sanity to that. I am not at my happiest but I am okay with what I have right now. I am alone but I've learned to adapt. Haha There are days that my fighting spirit is twice my height but there are still days where I would doubt if things will really get better at this point. I actually made a big mistake last week and I was about to be doomed. I prayed then boom, answered prayer. But the nega in me has still this 'what ifs'. I am trying to ward off those thoughts, promise, and to just believe.
My journey is still far from the end of the tunnel but who knows, our 'fairies' could give us a ride. Haha I wish. This journey has been one heck of a ride to date.
September is about to end and October is knocking. Argh. October. To be honest, I am skeptical about this month. If you know what I mean. I don't want to cry anymore but I'll bet my mole that I will. I'm nervous. I don't want to go back to that darkness again. Fingers crossed. Bahala na.
A lot has happened. So, may our hearts' deepest desires be granted. Pretty please.