
By 9:47 PM


It's been a while.

I did it!

I'm out of Takenotsuka.:) Finally, I was able to leave.

I'm happy that for the first time since I came here to Japan, I made a decision for myself. I finally found the courage to take responsibility and took this chance to rely to myself. Myself, my not-so-confident-overthinker-self. 

I've waited for so long for this moment. I'm happy.

But yea, you got it right. This post won't be complete without my worries and rants. Haha

Bills. I don't have any problem with living alone but the bills that await me scare me a lot. If there's one thing that I deeply regret is I forgot to consider the cost of living. Sure thing, Saitama City's really convenient but damn, tax and health insurance are also expensive. Yea, I'm doomed.

If there's one thing that I failed to appreciate in Adachi ku was their city hall's service. They're accommodating and not even once did I feel that I was not welcome. Chuo ku? Meh.

My mind's really full of worries about payables. I only have my salary to rely on but my bills are so greedy, they want it all. I want to live a decent life.

I pray everyday for the opportunity to b financially stable. I have recovered myself. Yay! And I don't wanna lose myself in this battle again. This one is different though but I'm gonna fight. I just need my weapon and armor. I will fight.

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