Well, it's another ordinary day. I was contemplating if I should go outside or not. And guess what happened? Haha I didn't go out. When #katamaran strikes. But I was able to do the laundry. Haha
Yesterday, I cooked a 'new' dish. It's not an original dish though. Haha But actually it's my first time cooking that dish- Charlie Chan Pasta. It's a famous pasta from Yellow Cab. Believe it or not, I haven't tried eating in Yellow Cab. Back then, I was really kuripot (even now) and I believe Yellow Cab was out of budget. I'll pay it a visit when I get to go home. :) Sooooo, how was it? It was lit. The bomb. Delish. I'll make it again for sure. It's the first dish I cooked this summer among my long list of 'to-cook'.
Ahhh...cooking has been easier these days. Thanks to youtube and chefs who give easier methods. Maaaa, what's next? I want to make siopao again but boy, it's so tedious. My first one was an epic fail, from the dough to the filling. One of these days. Haha. I want to make egg pie too, but I need to effin beat the egg whites so that makes me wanna buy a hand mixer. Geez, add to cart? Haha
But seriously, I am craving for foods not cooked by me. Haha それはいいんですよ、いま。I'll forget the calories and carbs and all those, I'd probably eat tons with rice para with feelings. でもね、それは夢まで、現在は無理。まああああ、いいか。しょうがない。がまんしかいない。。。大丈夫❕Yeah, wrong gramming is my Japanese. haha
For now, let's keep adding and cross out our 'to-cook' list. じゃ、またね。👸💪